The Smithsonian sought a design agency to develop both the name and branding for their collaborative, multidisciplinary initiative that would explore race in America and the pathways that exist toward a more equitable future. The Smithonian wanted a brand and logo that would reflect its mission, evoking the past, present and future, and establish the institution as a leader in the fight toward racial equality.
Seaberry conducted a series of branding workshops, general audience focus groups and surveys, and provided market research to help the Smithsonian refine and clarify the name and tagline of the initiative. From there, Seaberry designers explored in-depth visual representations of race, diversity, culture and progress and provided the Smithsonain a series of logos to choose from. The final logo design paired a bold and modern font with a striking color palette that juxtaposes black against red, gold and orange to signal diversity and distinctly identify the Smithsonian’s role as a thought leader.